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Political Parties Ignore CRPD in Pre-Election Campaigning

In July 2019, the Mad Canada Shadow Report Group sent pre-election emails to the four major political parties to ask about their positions on the CRPD and human rights in mental health (see below). The closest thing we got to a response was campaign promotions from the NDP.

CPC: no response

Liberal: no response

NDP: sixty-four unrelated campaign pitch responses so far...

Green: auto-response

See this link for general policy positions from parties (there is a section on health, but nothing on human rights). We will send another request for parties' position on human rights in mental health after the election.

We couldn’t email or mail these parties directly. We had to use online forms. Only two parties' forms had a category in which policy could be specifically addressed.

July 15, 2019

To Leaders of all Political Parties

We represent the Mad Canada Shadow Report Group. Our group comprises current and former recipients of psychiatric treatment, and has recently submitted research results to the United Nations concerning Canada’s failure to comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

We are asking all Canadian political parties to tell us and our associates about their platforms relating to human rights in mental health services. We hope their answers will inform Canadians and the UN Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

A most pressing concern regards Article 12 of the Convention. In April 2019, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of People with Disabilities asked Canada to drop its reservations to Article 12, as it underpins all other Articles. This would allow us to refuse medical detentions, restraints and dangerous treatments (such as electroshock or drugs that have not been proven safe or effective), without fear of being legally deemed incapable on the grounds of disability.

A small number of us who have thrived due to our rejection of such treatments have the privilege of speaking up against these rights violations, and we want to know who supports our absolute right to refuse, as mandated by the CRPD. We want Canadians to understand that emotional distress and unusual thoughts and behaviours should not be marginalized, medicalized or criminalized. Rather, various forms of real support must be funded, including housing, basic income, and organizations providing mutual support and other alternatives to psychiatry.

We urge you to read the excellent report (attached) by the Special Rapporteur, and ask that you let us know whether you will support our human rights in your policies ahead of the 2019 election.

Thank you.


Erick Fabris and Irit Shimrat,

Researchers for Mad Canada Shadow Report Group

Ms. Devandas-Aguilar's Report:

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