Our Second Petition Tabled in Parliament!
Watch the Honourable MP Ms Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP) table our second petition in Parliament:
Parliamentarians have heard us and we are glad. As suggested by supporters, our petitioning has been brought to the House of Commons to spotlight "mental health" abuses, and to demand that Canada at least rescind its reservation to (rejection of) Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which says disabled people have a right to control over our bodies, to refuse treatments, and not be subject to substitute decision making.
Mad Canada Shadow Report Group connected with MP Jenny Kwan and presented more than 40 signatures on paper petitions (signed by hand and mailed to us, then passed on to Ms Kwan). Brookes was one of our signers! This was a shorter version of our online petition, which got more than 1,000 signers on the web. Our team thanks all of our supporters, and especially those who suggested we take our petition to the highest level and get it on the record - in this case, Hansard!