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Greens Respond To Our Letter

The Green Party of Canada is the first political party to respond to us regarding the CRPD and human rights in mental health. Please read their letter by following this link.

Ok, the Green Party recognizes the importance of basic income for Canadians, as well as the right to housing, and it emphasizes preventive medicine. These policies, if enacted properly, could help a lot of people with psychosocial disabilities who struggle with finding work, housing, and non-medical supports.

The Greens’ response mentions the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the "right to treatment." Of course this often includes coerced treatment, such as when a person is denied the right to housing until they accept a treatment.

They do not mention what we have asked of all parties, which is to comment on Canada’s reservations on Article 12 of the CRPD, which UN Rapporteur Catalina Devandas-Aguilar has urged Canada to abandon. Article 12 affirms our right to refuse treatments without being considered “incapable to consent."

Nevertheless, the Green Party, like the current government, does agree that the CRPD should be implemented. The Greens are also open to discussing the Convention. The Mad Canada Shadow Report Group welcomes such discussion and invites others from our communities to get involved or to contact the Greens independently.

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